Lithuanian sweet "Žagarėliai"

Lithuanian sweet "Žagarėliai"

One more sweet that every grandma or mum in Lithuania will know ho to make.
So without any further ado we will show you how to make this amazing , sweet, crispy snack for you to enjoy!!!

Ingredients : 
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 - 5 glasses of flour
  • 1glass of kefir
  • 1/2 glass of sugar
  • sugar powder
  • 1/2 tbsp of baking powder 
  • oil

Making process :

1.  Put eggs , sugar and kefir into one bowl and mix good.

2.  Into another bow put flour and and baking power and mix them both good, so that the powder would mix with flour.
3. After that is done little by little  put flour and baking powder to the bowl with eggs, sugar and kefir and doing that mix it all the time.
4. Put and mix everything until the dough becomes solid and on , so you could take it with your hands. 
 After you have your dough  put it to the fridge  something like from 2 to 5 hours , that way the dough will be more solid and it will be more easy to make shapes and to cook it.

5.  After it stayed a bit in a fridge , divide the dough into smaller pieces 
so it would be easier for you to roll the up. Like this :

6. Roll the dough and cut it into pieces like this :

7. In those pieces make small holes just like in the picture , then take one and and pull it from up and another side from down and you will get nice form for Žagarėliai. They will cook very fast in the oil pot so you have to make all of the pastry , so they would not stick do not forget to put a little bit of flour on them.

8. Now the fun part, put almost half of the bottle of oil in the pot (so žagarėliai would have space to cook) wait till it becomes super hot ( almost boils) and start putting dough inside. 
As mentioned before they do tend to cook fast so you will have to keep your eye on them and flip them, so both sides would get equally cooked and then take them out when they have that pretty golden look.

9. When you take them out put them in a plate with paper so they would dry from oil.

10. After that just could them all and after every cook you can put sugar powder on them so it kinda would stuck to them.

So now when you cooked everything, go make yourself a tea , invite guests and try this amazing Lithuanian sweet / dessert !! 
Bon apetit! <3
