Lithuanian šaltibarščiai.

The all time favorite – Lithuanian šaltibarščiai. 

Yeah, that is right. ŠAL TI BARŠ ČIAI. Maybe it is easier for you to read it as SHALLTEEBORSHCHAI.

Even though this soup is called Lithuanian etno heritage, but really it does not take too much time, effort or knowledge to make it. Let me take you through the recipe step by step. 

Ok Ok, if you still did not break your tongue at this point, we will give you an easier alternative of how to call this delicious soup. That is... the pink cold soup (badumtsss).You can ask any Lithuanian about it and they will dive into nostalgia of childhood at grandma‘s where as a child you would eat this soup for a week non-stop. Or it would bring the memories of hot summer – because the cold pink soup is a great way to freshen up AND to stay full at the same.


·         Pickled beets – 0,5 l.
·         Fresh cucumber  – 200 gr.
·         Eggs – 2
·         Green onions
·         Dill
·         Kefir – 1-1,5 litre
·         Salt

The course of action

  1.Boil 2 eggs for approximately 9-10 mins
 2. while eggs are boiling, we take a seperate bowl and por all our beet in it. Om top we pour kefir.

3.       Then we need to cut cucumber, dill and green onions into small pieces.

4.And put all of them on top of beets with kefir. Stir it well. Add salt to your flavor

If the soup is too thick for you – you might also add a bit of water


 6. After you are done stirring all ingredients in (except the eggs!) put the whole bowl of soup in a fridge, for ~30mins to cool down. 

 7. Serve it with few pieces
 of boiled eggs on top and boiled/baked potatoes 
on the side.
