GEORGIAN Ghomi - Traditional cornmeal dish

Ghomi – Traditional cornmeal dish from Georgia

Ghomi is a traditional dish from the Samegrelo region of Georgia. It is cooked from cornmeal and corn flour and often serves as bread for western Georgians. Usually it is consumed with cheese, but it also perfectly goes well with Bazhe - spicy walnut gravy, Satsivi – chicken/turkey in walnut sauce, fried fish, Kharcho – meat in heavy walnut soup or Lobio- red Georgian beans. 

1 kg of coarse corn flour (cornmeal)

300g of fine corn flour

500g of Sulguni cheese



Use running water to thoroughly wash the cornmeal.
Put it in the cooking pot afterwards and pour enough water to cover it completely, remove the cornmeal grains that float to the surface.

Put the pot on a moderate flame and boil for some time. After the cornmeal is done, it will become paste-like. If its consistency is too hard or thick, add some more water and stir it.
Upon achieving a single, porridge-like mass, add fine corn flour and knead the mass. 
Continue boiling for a few more minutes.
Traditionally ghomi is served with cheese. Though some mix is with mint as well. In such case, grind down 600g of cheese and mix 
it with pounded mint (if you like) and a tiny amount of salt; split it into portions afterwards. Put it into ghomi and adorn it with mint leaves.
After ghomi is done, put it on a plate with a wet spoon or a racket, put cheese inside it (so that it melts) and serve it. 
